Some 50% of young children growing up in underserved communities aren’t ready to succeed in school when they enter Kindergarten.*

The KC Pre-K Cooperative is changing those odds.


At the end of the 2021-2022 school year, 73% of KC Pre-K Cooperative students met the bar for Kindergarten readiness across all developmental domains on the Pre-K Observation Form.

As the Cooperative continues to expand our reach - welcoming new partners, opening new classrooms, and expanding opportunity for more pre-K students - student data indicates that our partners are also raising the bar on Kindergarten readiness, ensuring the vast majority of our students are ready to succeed in Kindergarten and beyond.


Across its classrooms, Cooperative partners use common student assessments that measure cognitive, social, and emotional growth as well as the strenght of student/teacher interactions to gather data, inform instruction and program design, learn from one another, and raise the bar on Kindergarten readiness citywide.

  • The Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) is the Cooperative’s formative assessment

  • The Pre-K Oberservation Form (PKOF) and its sister Kindergarten Observation Form (KOF) are our summative assessment tools

  • The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) is used to measure the strength of student-teacher interactions